Monday, November 15, 2010

My Life- Final Project

3. a)  I have a lot of the same music, but I used different parts of the song and I mixed them in  GarageBand.
    b)  I used It's My Life by Bon Jovi, Remember the Time by Michael Jackson, and for my pictures I used Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder
    c)  I used It's My Life and Remember the Time because I wanted to use something that went along with my movie.  I used Isn't She Lovely because as soon as I was born that was the song that came on the radio as the Doctor said "It's a girl!"
4. a)  I used a lot of plus signs. ie- 1995+billboard hits
    b)  I used Google Chrome
    c)  I found a few unreliable websites, but for the most part I found websites that were reliable.
5.  I used a lot of Mac tools.  I used iMovie and GarageBand to make the movie and I also used PowerPoint to make and Word.
6.  I really liked finding putting all of my pictures together in PowerPoint
7.  I really didn't have a hard time at all.  It took a while to figure out how I wanted it to look but after I figured that out, it was easy.
8. a)  I did decide to use still slides
    b)  I just started to do the project before I really thought too much about the way I wanted it to look.
    c)  I didn't.  I used a specific background for each part of my movie, though.
    d)  I didn't want my movie to have the same background for the whole thing.  I wanted a little bit of change.
9.  I used video to show what the fashion was like.
10.  I'm not sure what kind of class I could tell My Life in.  But in general just the tools all put together this could be used in many classes.  I did a project just like this without the music in Biology.
11.  I bought all of my music that I used, so that's one thing that I didn't have to worry about for the Copy Right Law.  I also cited all of my information. (:
12.  I think I would, because I really liked putting this together.

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