Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Music Genome Reflection

1.  I chose Pop Music, because that's my favorite genre and that's mainly what I have the most music on.
2.  I searched "Famous Pop Artists from the 2000's" then went from there to find my songs from my iTunes library.
3.  I used Mac tools...iMovie and GarageBand
4.  It was easy for me to mix the music and get it to play at the right time.
5.  It was hard for me to pick and choose the information I wanted to use, because I wasn't sure what i wanted or needed to put in to get the right amount of information in.
6.  I did use still slides, because I could fit more information on the PowerPoint slides than I could in the iMovie slides.
7.  I could use this in Lit if we ever had to do a project that had to incorporate audio and information.
8.  For my music I got it all out of my iTunes library, so that means I bought it.
9.  If I had to do a project that required all of the information that had to be in this project, then yes I would do this again.

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