Friday, September 3, 2010

Charity Letter

1. List the name of your business and its charity.
2. What skills did you use/learn in this project?
3. What was the easiest part of this project? What was the most difficult part of this project?
4. Describe how you might use these skills and apply them to a real-world situation other than writing a charity letter.
5. Did you learn something new during this project that you did not know before?  If so, what? [Your response to this question can be related to the information, skills, or process of the project.]

1.  My business was Borders and the charity was the Borders Foundation Group.
2.  I learned how to use Mail Merger, and i used my letter writing skills.
3.  The easiest part of the whole project was writing the letter, and the hardest was learning how to use Mail Merger.
4.  I would these skills if i ever have to write a letter or if i have to send a letter to a bunch of people.  Mail Merger really cut my time in half.
5.  I honestly didn't know that there was Mail Merger! I thought that when one letter went out to a ton of people, that you had to write everyones name on everything!

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